essay writing tutorials

Choosing Persuasive Essay Topics On Racism: 10 Good Prompts

It is very difficult to pick an essay topic on racism. Regrettably racism is a critical social issue and one foul comment can bring some unpleasant argument. So, while choosing your essay topic in this field, you should be very careful.

Where ever you go, you will come across with at least one person of some difference. Unacceptable racial prejudice is everywhere. Your essay should be an expository one. You have to write more fact-based and have to describe your viewpoints over unquestionable facts which have been already explained. You have to debate and make arguments with yourself in this type of essay writing.

Some points to select a strong essay topic on racism:

  • Once you get to select your topic, try to collect vivid information over it. It will help you in many ways, like, you can get aware of your comment which you will make while writing.
  • Try to choose your topic with less unwanted points. Since it is a sensitive issue, you should keep yourself conscious about the situation.
  • Rather than opting for a one-sided topic, which will show either positivity or negativity to your readers, you can opt for a topic through which you can spread self-awareness over the issue. Make it argumentative.
  • Make sure that you have enough information about the topic. Do not opt to choose a topic with less points. As your essay may become fragile due to lack of information.
  • Turn out the topics which are readable with good clarification of points.
  • Never ever choose a topic which can hurt other’s feelings. Your topic and your viewpoints should be diplomatic in nature. Your essay should show the path leading to humanity, not to a certain kind of race.
  • There are various writings on racism, you will find on the internet. Go through them thoroughly to get your viewpoint pointing towards the way of truth.
  • Add your personal viewpoints concerning the need for change in the society. Never encourage hatred and inequality over any particular race. Keep this in mind while getting your topic.
  • You also can go through the books and magazines on racism to get your viewpoint clear. Try to clarify the history behind your selected topic.
  • Always try to choose such a topic where you can discuss the ill effects of racial discrimination and its consequences over the society.

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